DTRL PVT. LTD. established in 2010 approved from drug controlling authority Uttarakhand (Lic. No. 1/UA/CTL*/2010 for rendering quality assurance services as a commercial test house.
The company is engaged in the testing of Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Cosmetics, Dyes and Dye intermediates, Food and Food products, Oil and oil cakes, Poultry Feed, Water & Waste Water, Air Pollution, Noise monitoring, Pesticide formulation testing etc.
The company having accreditation and certification from NABL in chemical and Biological (Air, Pharma, Water, Food, Ayurvedic, Pesticide Formulation & Soil) Registered under ISO 9001, FSSAI, MOEF, Ayurvedic, GLP, HACCP, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 45001 Certificate.
DTRL is well equipped with the latest sophisticated instruments like GC-MSMS, LCMSMS, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, AAS, UHPLC, Malvern Particle Size Analyzer, GC with TCD-FID, GC with Head Space, Highly Sophisticated HPLC of Waters, Agilent, Shimadzu with 21CFR, FTIR, TOC, LOPC, Microwave Digester, Dissolution, Tintometer (Lovibond), Osmometer etc. For above range of testing and tested by the well educated and professional chemists. We approach you with a confidence that you will very kindly avail the services of our test house and register in your corporation for getting the above mentioned job for our test house.
The laboratory is equipped with wide range of sophisticated testing equipments like LCMSMS, GCMSMS, ICP-OES, Tintometer, Osmometer, UPLC, HPLC with PDA, FLD, UV, RI AAS, UV spectrophotometer, Spectrometer, Tensile testing machineetc.